Stuff I would normally just share when I met you guys at the pub but distance is a bitch and so its all here in blog form.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Late shift? Only if I get free ice cream!

Let me tell you about my night at work. Got there for about 3pm ready for a late one full of busy work. Hardly! Everyone was complaining about it but it was all really easy and I think it was just because it was a Sunday night that their brains couldn’t handle the idea of working so late. Not to go into too much boring detail, basically another company come in to the store and scan every single item with handheld scan-gun type things. Our job was to check 10% of their checks to make sure they were doing it right. What this meant is that we initially had to wait until they’d done some scanning leaving me and two other similar aged dudes to stand around a chat. Even when we had to work it was really relaxed and not very hard. Just had to read out the barcode number while another person ticked a list. The weird thing was that on top of the fact that the work was actually really easy they thought we all needed free sweets, crisps and pots of ice cream to keep it truckin’ through the night! I ate so much as I found myself stood about a lot. As there were no customers we also got to wear what we wanted and I even had my MP3 player quietly playing at some points. Speaking of what to wear while at work I have to share this photo of me in my Debenhams approved t-shirt that was handed to me on Friday. BooYa!We didn’t even stay as late as we first thought either (got back at about 2:30am thanks to a lift from someone). My student days have trained me well as 2:30am is not that late at all and so its not like it threw out the next day either. All in all a good way to earn money and if they ask me again I jump at the chance.

On to today’s activities. All we had planned was eating at Jumbo’s – a plan we successfully implemented to the pleasure of my stomach.Me and Liz both ate our fill and I even pushed the boat out with a pint of XXXX. Yum! A leisurely walk back through town on one of the hottest days I’ve ever felt here in Sheffield (or even anywhere in the UK come to think about it) has left me smiling and sleepy back at the flat with no plans other than putting up a few posters to start making the place feel like home.

Another activity that’s been taking up a bit of time is learning (or should that be re-learing) to play the guitar. This time ‘unplugged’ thanks to Aarons kind passing of his acoustic to me before he left for Taiwan. Today I learned to play that NOFX song I mention below (Cool and Unusual Punishment) with the aid of a program called Power Tab.
I don't know that facial expression that is meant to be!


Blogger Aaron said...

Ah, I see it! I forgot what the old guitar looked like for a bit, nice to see you are taking good care of her. Of course all the stickers are upside down now! haha thats great. I actually have a guitar over here now and Im feverishly trying to learn as many kids songs as possible. Keep up the good blogging dude!

8:09 am


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