Stuff I would normally just share when I met you guys at the pub but distance is a bitch and so its all here in blog form.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

“Screw part A to part B using part C”

I let the blog slip for a day! I better watch that. I do have a good excuse though, I planned on blogging after work yesterday (about 10:30) but I just headed straight to the new place after work, leaving the PC alone at the old place. Last night was our first night sleeping over at Jet Centro (what a name!). Had a good nights sleep so that bodes well for the future living experience. I’m sure I did more with yesterday but I can’t seem to remember. I do recall a trip to Maplins as I needed a really long cable to connect to the broadband point in the new place. It’s really awkward as it technically not that far a distance between wall socket and PC but to avoid any wire tripping incidents it needs to snake round the skirting and thus I needed about 16 meters! Luckily I got my hands on 20 meters worth for £20 and as your reading this blog right now you can happily presume it works fine as I’m sat typing in the new place! ---->As you can see its a beast when its wound up.

As for today, well it started really well as I wasn’t at work today so I got to layz around the new place taking it all in. Awesome shower and you’ll be happy to know that the toilet is nice and comfy. I wasn’t being lazy for nothing though as I had to wait in all day for an Argos delivery of a bookcase. Arrived at about 2:30 so I got a chance to play Guitar Hero and Time Splitter: Future Perfect while I waited. When it arrived I was so glad I got it delivered as it was pretty fucking heavy just moving it from the lift to our door! I was in full Tim ‘The Toolman’ Taylor mode as I cracked open the flat pack. First page in instructions informed me I would need two types of screwdriver and a mallet to complete construction. As I had nothing, a trip to town was in order. Some might go B&Q, other Homebase, I head straight to Poundland for my first venture into DIY. Got kitted out and even had a pound left over for a little tool box! I felt so manly! I also managed to pick up an all important dust pan and brush as most of the floor surface in the new place is wooden. On with construction and it went of without a hitch although I did feel bad for high noise levels as the final process required me to hammer in loads of little tacks. Bang, Bang, Bang!

I was so proud of myself and got it finished just in time for Liz to come home and appreciate my efforts. I spent the rest of the evening carting my PC over, setting it up and making sure I had an internet connection. Like I said before, if you’re reading this it all went well. The desk doesn’t have a chair right now so the keyboard is stretching so I can type while sat on the bed. There’s only a few things left over in the old place and so that should all get done soon.

Until next time, peace out



Blogger Aaron said...

Nice to see the blogging has returned my friend, it would be nice to see other alumni joining the cause so that we can all feel like we never left each others sides! All we need now is a Pub forum where whe can drink virtual pints and talk smack about movies!

Your blog is awesome by the way, It makes me want to take more photos cause It really gives the writing a kind of touch stone in reality, Im sure there is a fine art to this type of thing and I am thoroughly enjoying it. :D

Good luck with the rest of the move dude!

3:25 am


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