Stuff I would normally just share when I met you guys at the pub but distance is a bitch and so its all here in blog form.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Light at the end of the moving tunnel

Another day quite similar to previous ones in which any free time I’ve got I’m continuing to move stuff from our old to new place. Making sure not to tire myself out as I was a work at 5pm until 10pm at Debenhams. The bookcase got the honour of holding my DVD collection (modest though it may be) this morning and it really looked exactly how I wanted it to. There isn’t any room to hold my collection of PS2 games unfortunately but I guess that means they’ll have their own dedicated structure at some point. I worked out today that my initial thought that moving from one building right next door to another would be really easy was completely wrong! You see if you make a big move (say to another city or something) you take all the stuff from one place load it into a van or similar vehicle and then cart it over in one foul swoop. Pretty busy but only for like a day or something. Doing it the way we have it seem never ending as we’re having to take stuff all the way over before going back to pick up more stuff. Enough of my complaining, as of tonight 99% of the stuff is here at Jet Centro leaving me to clean the old place to make sure we get our deposit back. I think we’ll get most of it, only a few blue tack marks but it’s hardly much!

Just to tell you a little about what I do at work. Its pretty much what you expect of a sales advisor in a department store only minus working on the tills as you have to have training for that and I having ‘graduated’ that course yet. When I work a shift like tonight it’s really boring as there just isn’t that many male shoppers in the evening. I seem to be in the shoe department a lot and that’s the worst as it requires me to stand there like some kind of guard outside Buckingham Palace even when its deathly silent. The week previously was really busy but this week I’m back to my contracted 20 hours and the contrast is so illuminating. Basically I feel like I’ve got way too much free time to sustain independent living in Sheffield. It’s kicked my desire to look for a new job up a level that’s for sure.

I feel a need to end on gaming news but today will be a little thin (and I’m sure they’ll be days and days were I don’t play anything). All I played was Time Splitters Future Perfect again and all I’d like to pass on to you is the solidity of the graphics. Everything feels ‘chunky’ (in a good way) and like they have a real mass. The style is nicely cartoon exaggeration. I also learned there are 150 playable characters (out side of the main ‘story’ mode where you play as Cortez) all seem to have the same care and attention as the handful of ‘stars’ and I really like that. Another point in its favour is the cut scenes are genuinely funny, and comedy is such as hard thing to do in interactive media. I’m not saying rush out and buy it but I feel an obligation for my blog content and title to have some linkage.

Just a compleatly random pic of a mildly amusing sweet Liz found in Home Bargins

Until next time, peace out peeps



Blogger Aaron said...

Mmm, Big! :D

9:33 am


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