Stuff I would normally just share when I met you guys at the pub but distance is a bitch and so its all here in blog form.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

"Player two has entered the game"

At the end of a hard day.....strongbow time me thinks?

Since I came up with the blog title of ‘arcadefinger’ I suppose I should start with some arcade news. Spent some more of my lunch hour today on Time Crisis 4, but since I was working on a Saturday the whole place was packed with chavs and the like. So much so TC4 was busy, luckily the two guys playing were pretty shit and died during the opening prologue. I stepped up and had an awesome time as the true meaning of arcade play unfolded. What I mean by this is some guy joined my game (TC4 has a thing called ‘linked play’ so a new player can enter at anytime) and we worked together to kick ass. Two complete strangers instantly bonded like we’d been best buds for year! That’s what two player arcade can do! Giving ourselves little nods when we finished a section, for a few minuets we were kings. We got pretty far (nowhere near completion but much farther than I’d got in single player) and I died first leaving him to go a little further. When I turned round a few people had stopped to watch, only about 4 but in a place that has no arcade culture I was pretty impressed. It might have been because I was in a shirt and tie and stood out a little bit too. I wish that happened more at the arcade, maybe it would stand a better chance of survival. I ask one thing of you all out there; if you see someone at an arcade machine and there is an empty two player, join in! If you can’t join mid play, wait until they’re finished and ask if they want to compete with you. Turn it into the social occasion it’s meant to be.

Today marks the end of my week of loads of overtime at Debenhams, I wont complain too much as loads of peeps work harder and longer but I’m still really knackered after a 45hour week. Back to 20 hours next week so that should seem a lot less. I means I wont get a lunch break so I don’t know if I’ll go to the arcade as much as this week. I’ll have to wait and see. I’ve got tomorrow off so I’m planning to do some shopping with Liz for stuff for our new place and move in properly. The tv’s over there now so thats confirmed that we're properly moving in real soon. If you want a tip about moving, move the tv first, you’ll really want to move in a lot quicker once its missing from your old place!

In other news I treated myself to some new Vans:I took them out to Corp to wear them in a bit but they still look really white!


Blogger Aaron said...

Must say dude, you are looking pretty sharp in the old shirt and tie ensemble, maybe they thought you had dressed up just to play Time Crisis, its the kind of thing I would do. Made any headway on Melty Blood yet? I sugest plugging in the X-Arcade and going to town on it, you will reap the rewards. Take care, dont let Meadowhell break your spirit as It did mine and Tom's many moons ago!

1:46 pm


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