Stuff I would normally just share when I met you guys at the pub but distance is a bitch and so its all here in blog form.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

229 into 86 = Good times

Got a nice chance to have a bit of a lie in today, it was much appreciated and I know my feet loved the fact that they weren’t required so much today. Liz was at home on Saturday for her sister’s birthday so she came home to Sheffield at about 11:30. We headed into town to do a bit of shopping for some essentials for our new place as we planned to move in later that day. A trip to Debenhams (as if I don’t get enough of the place while I’m at work!!) proved that we weren’t quite economically stable enough to deck our place out in designer style (even during their sale) so a trip to Argos was in order. It’s like not being quite ready for a Schwarzenegger flick and having to settle for a Van Damme. We needed a tall book case to hold our joint DVD collection but it was a bit too heavy for me to carry home so I got it delivered (its coming on Tuesday). I got them to bring the flat pack out from the store room for me to test its weight but it proved too much!

Next it was off to Sainsbury’s for some grub where we met some film studies pals in the form of Ralph and Ryan. Had a nice chat and it turns out they’re living pretty close to us so there’s plenty chance of a few cheeky beers together as some point. Got the vital ingredients for some fajitas to be consumed at the new place and mark our first meal there.

But first it was back to the old place to transfer some more stuff and take down the rest of the posters. We decided not to sleep at the new place and instead just to eat there and spend the evening just chilling out with some Coronas. Lime included of course, we do have some class. Cooked up some awesome fajitas after having to look in the instruction manual before we managed to get the oven working! What did I say about having class? Turns out you have to set the clock before it will successfully turn on! It still looks a little bare but a lamp shade and a few posters and the place will really feel like home. I’ve got to set up the internet over there in the next few days so if the blog goes off the radar for a bit you’ll know I’ve failed to get it set up. The broadband point is really far from the desk so I’m going to have to either get a really long cable or go wireless.

Our lovely sofa in our new placeThe kitchen before we really moved in

Later on in the evening cooking up some tea!

A bit of gaming to finish today’s blog. I recently got King of Fighters Maximum Impact for the PS2 and played a little to make sure I’d set everything up correctly at the new place. It’s the first 3D version of the KOF series and I really like it. Far more than Tekken 5! Maybe its just because I get to play as Terry in glorious 3D, I haven’t worked out if its actually any good. It did come in a nice box with a reasonably thick booklet and a second DVD disk with ‘making of’ treats and all for just £7 pre-owned. The DVD is a bit boring but its nice extra content to ship with the game.

Until next time…


Blogger Aaron said...

Wow, the place looks awesome, you guys look so happy in the shiney new kitchen. I will have to pay a visit when I get back! Nice to see Bruce Wayne keeping a watchful eye over the fridge. I had a corona yesterday too! Seems some things never change, today im drinking government brand Taiwan beer, only because there is nothing else to drink, it one of the few times where I have become unintentionally drunk! Good luck with the move yous guys!

6:45 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OI! Don't go jipping Van Damme - whats wrong with Hard Target???

12:39 pm


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