Stuff I would normally just share when I met you guys at the pub but distance is a bitch and so its all here in blog form.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

connection problems

First off, I know I didn’t blog yesterday and I know the thousands of you out there must have been lost during the down time. For this I apologise but I have a good excuse. Lets go back to where this all began, yesterday at around 4pm.

Another uneventful day at work which finished at 3 leaving me hungry for something more than a sandwich back at home. McDonalds provided me with sustenance in the form of a toasted deli sub, chicken tika to be precise. Aside from the unwanted cucumber it was pretty good, I mean its not a patch on Subway but a good effort none the less. Coming home in the unbearable heat! It really was the hottest day I’ve felt in the UK. I entered my building to find the lifts out of action. This marks the start of the worst thinks you would want to happen on the hottest day in 100 years. Four flights of stairs felt like torture after the relatively short, but incredibly hot, walk home. Its ok I thought, once you get in you can take a nice cold shower and you’ll be as fresh as a daisy in no time. Once in the flat I peeled off my shirt, that’s no exaggeration, and headed to the shower. A turn of the tap resulted in dryness! Nothing. A few seconds of utter confusion followed as I then gave the sink taps a try, nothing. Kitchen sink, nothing. Shit! I’d arranged to meet Liz after work too and I was running late. With no water there was pretty much nothing I could do except put on some clothes again and head out! I met someone one the stairs who confirmed that the water was out in the whole building.

I headed to town hopping it would get fixed while I was out. I decided to slip my newly acquired flip flops on to head into town and while walking I thought that bare feet would be even better than flip flops! Holy shit, the pavement burned the soles of my feet in seconds. Back on with the flip flops but with the added bonus of some grit I’d picked up, mmm comfy. Bought some posters with Liz at the Forum and headed back. Lifts still out and an intermittent alarm still sounding. Once in our place we checked but still no water. I knew I wasn’t at work until 5 the next day so the prospect of not showering wasn’t too bad, Liz was at work at 9 though so steps needed to be taken. Luckily as we were heading out to the Royal Standard (to em…use the facilities, if you know what I mean. Remember, no water, no flush!) we met two guys from Yorkshire Water.

Turns out there was a power cut some time in the day and it tripped loads of circuits, including the lift, internet router and most importantly the pump that moves water around the building! This meant that it wasn’t Yorkshire Water’s problem and we had to wait until the morning to get water and internet. Thus explaining the lack of blog action yesterday. Yorkshire Water did do something pretty cool though (considering it wasn’t their problem) loads of bottles of water for the whole building. It probably didn’t go very far but we got some.

As you can see I’m online now and am happy to say I’ve just come from a lovely long shower!

On to today’s activities all I’ve done is a bit of tidying and finally put up the first poster. A new one that we bought yesterday.

Take it easy out there kids



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